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Dictionary English Danish: at

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at {prep}
Unverified at {prep}ad
at {prep}ved
at nightved nattetide
at sb.'s disposaltil ngns. disposition
geogr. Austria <.at>Østrig {n} <.at>
2 Words: Others
at (the) {prep}
naut. at anchor {adv}til ankers
Unverified at ease {adj}tilpas [i en behagelig tilstand]
at home {adv}derhjemme
at home {adv}hjemme
at least {adv}mindst
at night {adv}om aftenen
at night {adv}om natten
at once {adv}straks
at present {adv}for øjeblikket
at sea {adv}til søs
at stake spil
at the {prep}ved [+ best. subst.]
at times {adv}lejlighedsvist
2 Words: Verbs
at close range nært hold
to aim atat sigte
to aim sth. at sb./sth. [e.g. a gun, a torch]at rette ngt. mod ngn./ngt.
to look atat betragte
to look atat kigge
to look atat se
to wonder at sth.at undre sig over ngt.
3 Words: Others
at any rate {adv}i alt fald
at any rate {adv}i hvert fald
at ground level {adv}ved jorden
at half mast {adv} [flag] halv (stang)
at one time {adv}engang [i fortiden]
at that time {adj} {conj}dengang
at the back {adv}bagtil
at the bottom {adv}nederst
at the front {adv}foran
at the moment {adv}for øjeblikket
at the most {adv}højst
at the rear {adv}bagtil
at the table {adv}til bords
at the time {adv} {conj}dengang
at the top {adv} toppen
stay-at-home {adj} [mothers etc.]hjemmegående
3 Words: Verbs
at / with lightning speedmed lynets hast
4 Words: Others
handel at a reasonable price {adv}for en rimelig penge
at a snail's pace {adv} [idiom]i sneglefart [talemåde]
at a snail's pace {adv} [idiom]med sneglefart [talemåde]
at half past eight(kl.) halv ni
at half past eight(klokken) halv ni
at one's own risk {adv}for egen risiko
at the same time {adv}samtidig
one at a time {adv}én ad gangen
5+ Words: Others
at least once a year {adv}mindst én gang om året
talem. Unverified sth. goes in (at) one ear and out (at) the otherngt. går ind ad det ene øre og ud ad / af det andet
5+ Words: Verbs
to die at the hand / hands of a murdererat falde for morderhånd
to die at the hands of a killerat falde for morderhånd
talem. to see light at the end of the tunnelat se lys for enden af tunnelen / tunnellen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Asterix at the Olympic GamesAsterix og De Olympiske Lege
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